I recently discovered that certain movies stay on the Stage6 database for a while even after they appear to have been pulled off. To access them you will need to download them and here is how.

Lets say that the movie link is

You will need to convert the above link into a download link

simply append the number after /video/ i.e 1407293 to http://video.stage6.com/
and viola you have created it. In this case the link would be

Copy and paste the link in your browser window.
If you get an error message then the movie has been pulled off the database as well otherwise download and enjoy.

I have also noticed that this can usually be done when the screen shot of the movie still appears on the users video list.

Hope this helps last minute watchers.

Stage6 Divx Movie Section. Before you starting watching movies this is what's required to view the movies.

1.) First you will need to install a separate "small" web player. Go Here to install it.

2.) It is necessary that you also register your own account. Some movies require you login in order to view it.

3.) Once you have registered and activated you account... Login and go to settings( top right corner of the your profile page). Then scroll down to "Content filter" and make sure you have "show videos containing explicit content" selected in the box. Make sure you save it.(This is required to view explicit movies and only needs to be done once.)

Approx. time should take up to 5mins or less.

Additional Info:

- Divx web player is known to use CPU usage.
- You should not have multiple browser/applications running while viewing a movie, may crash your browser.
- For general viewing problems you should clear your cache and try again.
- For more web player options right click on the video screen.

The DivX Web Player requires Windows 2K/XP or Mac OS X 10.2 or later and is compatible with the following web browsers.


* Internet Explorer (5.0 and above)
* Firefox (1.0 and above)
* Mozilla (1.7 and above)
* Netscape (8.0 and above)
* Opera (8.0 and above)
* Seamonkey (1.0 and above)
* Flock (0.7.5 beta and above)


* Safari (2.0 and above)
* Firefox (1.0 and above)
* Mozilla (1.7 and above)
* Netscape (7.2 and above)
* Opera (8.51 and above)
* Camino (1.0 and above)
* Seamonkey (1.0 and above)
* Flock (0.7.5 beta and above)

Admitted: Copy Post From Movie Forum